by J.R. Dieckmann
Stop Saying "We Can't"
July 09, 2007 01:51 PM EST

I'm tired of hearing "we can't". We can’t secure the borders. We can't deport 12 1/2 million illegal aliens. We can’t even find them. We can't deny them free healthcare and social services. We can't even count them. If we could, we would find more like 20 million.
We can't offend Islam. For that matter, we can't offend anyone. We can't keep holding war prisoners at Guantánamo Bay. We can't win the war in Iraq. We can't attack Iran. We can't stop Iranians from killing our troops in Iraq. We can't find Osama bin Laden.

We can't spy on Islamic radicals living in our country. We can't pass any meaningful legislation without compromise and dilution of everything in it. We can't keep national security secrets from Congress and consequently the press. We can't pardon Scooter Libby but then again, we can't jail Sandy Berger for stealing and destroying classified government documents either.

When will our government tell us something we can do? With this "we can't" attitude we hear continually from Washington and the media, is there anything we can do except collect taxes to pay for all the things we can't do?

Here are a few things we can do that our government might want to consider:

We can build a fence and secure our southern border. We can deny illegal aliens free government services, jobs, and other incentives to break into our country. We can make English the official national language and stop pandering to Spanish speakers.

We can change the laws to make illegal entry and residency in the US a felony punishable by immediate deportation, no trial and no jail time at taxpayers’ expense.

They can be given a brief hearing in front of a US magistrate to present any evidence of legal status they may have, in English. Failing to do that, they can be transferred to a holding area for the next shipment to the country of their entry into the US. 99% of the time that would be Mexico.

On second thought, send them all there anyway and let Mexico deal with the problem. It would help to discourage the Mexican government from participating in the illegal invasion of America.

As a felony, local law enforcement would then be compelled to arrest illegals instead of granting them sanctuary. It would also make illegals feel less comfortable and secure in the US which would help to discourage more from breaking in, and encourage those here to leave, never be granted entry again.

We can find illegals, they are easy to find. All we have to do is talk to them. Immigration laws require that legal immigrants learn English and assimilate into American culture. If they can’t respond to questioning in English then the chances of them being here illegally are pretty good. We don’t need more legislation from Congress to address this problem, we need only to strengthen and enforce existing laws.

We can win in Iraq and in the War on Terror. All we need to do is honestly address the root of the problem which is Iran. Iranian leadership has threatened to wipe Israel and America off the map. Iran has been training terrorists and has been complicit in fighting and killing American soldiers in Iraq. Iran has been providing armor piercing bombs to insurgents and terrorists in Iraq. Iran is behind the violence from Hezbollah and Hamas. Iran is at the head of promoting a worldwide Islamic state and imposing Sharia law on the rest of the world.

In essence, Iran has already declared war on the US and the western world. What we can do is justifiably and officially declare war on Iran and cut off the head of the snake. Then proceed to wipe the Iranian leadership and theocracy off the face of the map along with their nuclear and weapons installations. Without Iranian support, their proxy groups would collapse without funding.

The only problem is that our Congressional wimps are afraid to fight war with war and a war declaration would be difficult to get from this Democrat controlled Congress. They would rather see the world be overrun by Islam than to approve of war as a means to defend our nation and culture. It’s not that we “can’tâ€