Student suspended for counter-protesting spurs Minuteman support

Amy Frye, Staff Writer
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

MIRA LOMA - Groups on both side of the immigration issue demonstrated on opposite sides of Bellegrave Street this morning near Jurupa Valley High School.
The protest began at 11 a.m.

The event came about after Jurupa Valley High student Josh Denhalter asked for permission, and was denied, to hold on campus a counter-protest to the recent demonstrations and walkouts opposing the harsher penalties for illegal immigrants in HR 4437.

He said he wanted to hold the rally to show support for the United States and the efforts to protect its borders.

Denhalter was joined by members of the Save Our State and Minuteman groups who carried a large number of American flags.

Members of groups identified as MEchA and Brown Berets counter-protested across the street from his group.

Denhalter was joined by about 100 people, with about 30 on the other side.

The demonstrators were relatively peaceful, chanting back and forth. One side yelled, "Racist MEchA go away" while the other chanted, "Racist hate, save our state" and "El pueblo unido, jamas sera vencido" ("The people united never will be defeated.")

A number of motorists honked their support, waving both Mexican and American flags.

About 65 percent of the Jurupa Valley High student body were in class, according to school officials. Some parents did keep their children from school today.

Riverside County sheriff's deputies stood on Bellegrave between the two groups.

Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minutemen group, was joined by a handful of his group's members. He said he attended primarily to support Denhalter's First Amendment right to protest.

Denhalter said he was suspended Thursday by school officials when he passed out fliers promoting the rally.

District and school officials said they could not comment on any student's suspension for confidentiality reasons, but a suspended student would not face further discipline for being on the sidewalk or street directly in front of the school.