Protesters from various groups and backgrounds were out in Greenwich Village Thursday, rallying against the "Find the Illegal Immigrant Game" sponsored by the New York University College Republican Club.

The demonstrators say the game, which has participants searching for a club member wearing an illegal immigrant name tag, is racist and politically incorrect.

"They're making a mockery out of immigrants and immigration issues, when you've had thousands of people die at our borders," said protestor Chester Asher of Transform America. “To make a game out of that is sheer mockery.”

The Republican Club says they just want to spark debate amongst students about illegal immigration.

“Sometimes it feels that the only way you can get people out is to ruffle some feathers and give people something to shake their fists at,” said Laska. “Now this is not a politically correct event, but it is not racist. It is not that offensive.”

NYU says it is inclined to support free speech since it leads to an exchange of ideas.

"I think it is the most ignorant way to try to get attention,” said Francisco Guzman, a student activist. “This type of promotion doesn't promote discussion at all. It promotes anger and rage. And that is what they are getting."

Some who support the game say they also support immigration, as long as foreigners are entering the country legally.

"If everyone comes and floods the country, what will we have? Nothing,” said Republican Club supporter, Wesley Chan.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a Republican, spoke out against the game.

“I think we spend too much time worrying what college kids do, but this is distasteful and downright stupid. That's the nice way to put it,” said Bloomberg.

NY1 did not see any evidence of the game actually being played, but a winner was supposed to be rewarded with a $50 gift certificate. ... &aid=67018