Damn the Farm Bill Consequences
by Lynn Woolley

Posted: 06/25/2008 Print This

There are so many crises affecting the besieged American farmer that it’s hard to tell which is worse. Is the flooding in the Midwest? Is it the possibility that the latest Farm Bill might get vetoed? Is it new enforcement procedures that threaten to stem the never-ending flow of cheap labor?

Actually, it’s that last one. The floods will abate eventually and the chance of a pork-laden Farm Bill not passing is slim to none. But, by golly, the administration has started enforcing immigration laws! What is Bush thinking?

Obviously, he’s not considering what enforcement might lead to. J Carnes, president of Winter Garden Produce in Uvalde, Texas and head of the Texas Vegetable Association says enforcement is downright dangerous. But we’re doing it anyway, he says and “damn the consequences.â€