By: Devvy
February 7, 2008

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Where to start. Let's begin with the statement I made in my last column that women will vote for Marxist Hillary Clinton just because she has two mammary glands and a vagina. This brought quite a bit of angry emails from "empowered" females who can't list the first ten Bill of Rights, know nothing about federal jurisdiction, have zero idea how the social security taxing scheme works or where their "income" tax dollars actually go, but they can tell you who wore Prada at their last "empowerment" luncheon. All they want is a female elected, even if it's an "ignorant" vote as so stated by Holly in this 2:16 second video clip. "I am voting for Hillary because she is a woman and I don't care if that is an ignorant reason, I want a woman in charge." The day before and "Super Tuesday" itself, I watched female political pundits and party strategists (Democrats) literally salivating as they spoke of Marxist Clinton winning and taking the White House. These are the voices of America's destruction.

So, you see, it doesn't matter that Hillary Clinton, just like her husband, are dedicated Marxists pushing the communist agenda disguised as liberalism, just so long as it's a female. A female who cries just before voting day, i.e., Clinton teared up the day before the phony New Hampshire primary and allegedly won. Women gushed over that one; they felt her pain! On February 4, 2008, she pulled the same trick for votes less than 24 hours before this "Super Tuesday" sham. This reminds me of the scene towards the end of the movie, Shrek, where the king and Fiona are about to get married. Everytime King Farquar said something, the lackeys held up placards so the audience knew when to "awww," clap or cheer.

Millions of these "empowered" women are the same ones who have killed their unborn baby, the beating heart growing in their womb via abortion. How many of these females like the Holly, above understand that abortion was/is a critical tool of the communists?

The Free Market Case Against Abortion. "Legalized abortion has it roots in Marxism, socialism, and egalitarianism. Lenin and his communist Bolsheviks were the first ones to widely and openly legalize and advocate abortion as a woman's right. Communism viewed abortion as a vital part of implementing Marx’s and Engel’s Communist Manifesto and their desire for the “Abolition of the family!â€