I head Tom Tancredo last night on Lou Dobbs.
He mentioned something that I had not heard before and had no knowledge of. Do any of you know anything about this?

Tancredo said that Anytime our country signs an agreement with any other country, that is a treaty. So Nafta, Cafta, FTAA are all treaties but that by calling them agreements and not naming them as treaties, bush can skirt around the fact that a treaty must be approved by 2/3rds of senate. So, it is an end run around the Senate. He said that Bush is abusing his power.

This reminds me of all the "actions" we have had since Vietnam where we did not declare war. A declared war is much more involved especially as far as benefits go for the troops, so calling it an "action" is a downgrade.

Is this administration good at slight of hand or what?!

Sorry, I put this in the wrong section. It should have gone in the General discussion. Move it at will.