This is from Rep. John Carter of Texas. It is to his fellow lawmakers and is in regard to HR 332. He is a member of the House Republican Study Committee.


January 10, 2007

Protect the system from the unexpected consequences of amnesty.

Dear Colleague:

As we begin this new Congress, I want to call your attention to legislation I have introduced that will help maintain the solvency of Social Security. The language of H.R. 332 will prohibit the Social Security Administration from awarding Social Security benefits for unauthorized work.

Current law allows an immigrant obtaining citizenship to gain Social Security benefits on ALL wages attributed to his account, including wages earned illegally. Any immigration reform legislation that provides a path to citizenship must address this loophole which encourages illegal activity. H.R. 332 addresses this matter by making sure that benefits are only paid for work performed legally. Also, benefits currently being paid will be reduced should it be determined that someone is benefiting from unauthorized work.

There are over 10 million illegal immigrants living and working in our borders. Even though most illegal workers pay taxes, they do not place a burden on the Social Security Administration as they are not eligible for benefits unless they become legal residents of the United States. Several surveys indicate that households headed by illegal workers pay, on average, less than $5,000 annually in federal taxes. This is less than two-thirds of the average paid by all legal households. While providing much less to the treasury, each illegal household results in a net loss of over $2,700 annually due to healthcare costs and other social programs. However, the Social Security Administration actually sees a net profit from illegal workers because while they pay in, they are not eligible to receive benefits.

As we attempt to forecast the effects of immigration reform in the form of amnesty, it is important to note that in 2010, the first of the “baby-boomers” generation will be eligible for Social Security benefits. It is an unfortunate coincidence that just as an entire generation of Americans begins to draw Social Security benefits, the first wave of the 10 million illegal aliens receiving amnesty would also become eligible for these very same benefits, thereby placing an even greater strain on the system.

Please join me in support of Social Security and true immigration reform by cosponsoring H.R. 332. Please contact Jason Fenton at 5-3864 should you have any further questions, wish to see bill language, or desire to cosponsor this important legislation.

John R. Carter, M.C.