October 09, 2007
Tancredo denounces 'rogue' Texas mayors

Place Tom Tancredo in the camp of those angered by some Texas border mayors' suggestion that they won't allow government surveyors onto city property to determine the feasibility of building the highly controversial fence mandated by Congress.

The Republican congressman, who has made illegal immigration the centerpiece of his presidential campaign, is dismissing the Texans as "rogue mayors."

Says the Colorado politician:

These mayors are jeopardizing national security with their not-in-my-backyard attitude. Congress approved the border fence with the overwhelming support of the American people to protect our nation from terrorists and illegal aliens and it will not be thwarted by a handful of rogue mayors.

Tancredo, who definitely isn't the shy and retiring type, has a novel suggestion: Maybe the fence should be built north of the border cities that don't cooperate, cutting them off from the United States.

In words sure to provoke a rise on the border, Tancredo says:

These mayors have already demonstrated that their hearts and loyalties lie with Mexico -- perhaps they'd feel more comfortable if their cities were geographically located there as well.

Tancredo is singling out the mayors of Brownsville, Del Rio and El Paso -- though El Paso Mayor John Cook hasn't denied access to federal workers because the fencing has been there for years and is located on federal property.

That hasn't stopped some from threatening Cook, though. The El Paso Times reported last week that Cook has received hate mail and at least one phone call threatening his life.
http://blogs.chron.com/immigration/arch ... oun_1.html