Tancredo visits S.C. to speak to law enforcement officers

The Associated Press

August 03, 2005

Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., told a group of law enforcement officers that illegal immigrants are held to lower standards by the justice system than Americans.

"An illegal alien actually has a different system of justice here," the 59-year-old Republican told about 30 officers Tuesday night at the Fraternal Order of Police Tri-County Lodge in Hanahan. "If you're here illegally, you can get a pass."

That message resonated with some officers in the crowd, who complained that suspects can skip town on state or local offenses because local police don't have the authority to detain anyone on federal immigration charges.

Tancredo has staked his political career on strengthening immigration laws and acknowledged that he made the visit in part because of the 2008 presidential primary. "We have to get a president who will do something about (illegal immigration) - that's why I'm here," he said.

He urged the officers to force political candidates from either party to clearly state positions on immigration laws.

Tancredo also has visited Iowa, another crucial primary state, but says he has no presidential aspirations of his own. He said he would support somebody taller and better-looking.

"I'm too short, I'm too fat, I'm too bald to be the president of the United States," he said.

His stance on immigration has put him at loggerheads with the Bush administration and its support of an amnesty for undocumented immigrants from Mexico. Tancredo calls amnesty "a rotten idea" that would turn the flow of illegal immigrants into a "tidal wave."

"I support him in many ways," Tancredo said of the president. "On this, I think he is wrong."


Information from: The Post and Courier,

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