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Illegals' 'documents' won't be effective
Last Updated: June 1, 2006, 04:15:37 AM PDT

Please don't roll over and accept this sellout legislation proposed by leaders of both parties. It's swollen with misconceptions.
Illegal immigrants will have to provide documentation to show how long they've been here. As in the 1986 immigration sham, this documentation goes on sale the day this new package of lies gets signed by the president.

Labor contractors and La Raza-type organizations will begin to sell this documentation to anybody with cash. A tsunami of new people will rush in, buy proof they've been here for the right amount of time and cash in on U.S. stupidity.

Don't turn your wrath toward illegal immigrants. You'd do the same thing if you were in their shoes. But these two major political parties are selling you down the river.

The results will be enormous new taxes needed, a real boost to the trend that "crime pays" and a real affirmation that kindness is a weakness to be exploited.

We will be a nation of laws or a nation of outlaws. It's up to ordinary citizens.

