Tea Party to Fight Senate Amnesty Proposal

Friday, April 30, 2010, 2:34 PM EDT - posted on NumbersUSA

NumbersUSA Local Power Team at the Boston Tea Party

Tea Party leaders have decided to use their activists to fight the Senate Amnesty bill unveiled yesterday afternoon by Majority Leader Harry Reid, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and four other Democratic Senators. The move contradicts the position of Dick Armey whose FreedomWorks organization helped spur the Tea Party movement.

In a recent email to its membership, the Tea Party Nation wrote:

"Burn up the phones and faxes! Call your representatives and senators!"

The Tea Party Patriots sent out an alert to its membership this week asking, "Do you support Arizona's new immigration law and believe in the right of each state to protect its own citizens from the effects of illegal immigration?" The answer was yes! As of this afternoon, more than 36,000 Tea Party Patriots nationwide signed their petition in support of Arizona's new Immigration Law and believe in the right of each state to protect its own citizens.

Read a blog written by NumbersUSA's Director of Social Media Marketing Chad MacDonald detailing the efforts made by NumbersUSA to gain the support of Tea Party supporters.

http://www.numbersusa.com/content/news/ ... posal.html

MacDonald's blog is posted below