Teen killed on border was on 'Most Wanted' list

by Angela Kocherga / KENS 5 Border Bureau


Posted on June 17, 2010 at 8:20 PM

Mexico is adding extra police to the area where an El Paso border patrol agent shot and killed a 15-year-old teen last week.

It is a well known spot for smugglers.

Both U.S. and Mexican law enforcement are keeping a closer eye on this stretch of the border. Just a few days ago angry protesters gathered on the same spot where a border patrol agent shot and killed the teen. The baby-faced boy seen in photos was well-known along the stretch of border where he was shot . Agents say he had been caught by the border patrol at least six times before he was 15.

Cesar Lujan with the Border Patrol Union says the teen was on the El Paso Most Wanted Juvenile list for smuggling.

The border patrol keeps an internal list to keep track of teens involved in smuggling illegal immigrants.

As the penalties for immigrant smuggling got tougher, criminal organizations turned to younger and younger people to get the job done. Adults face prison time, but the border patrol cannot fingerprint or photograph a suspected smuggler who is under 14 years old.

Minors are sent back to Mexico within 24 hours, and if they are smugglers, they are usually back to work on the border.

