Texas Considers Arizona-Style Immigration Law

Updated: Tuesday, 09 Nov 2010, 5:44 PM MST
Published : Tuesday, 09 Nov 2010, 5:44 PM MST

AUSTIN, TX - Texas could become the next state to pass an Arizona-style immigration law. In fact, one lawmaker is so determined to get a similar law on the books, she camped out all night at the Texas State Capitol.

Debbie Riddle, a Houston Republican, was the first state lawmaker to pre-file bills for the upcoming session. She's tackling several hot-button immigration issues -- voter ID, criminal trespassing charges for the undocumented, outlawing sanctuary cities, cost audits by state agencies for dealing with illegal aliens, and tracking undocumented children in public schools.

"I filed the immigration bills because the people of Texas are no longer asking but are demanding. And we have got to make some significant steps toward illegal immigration and in addition to that border security."

While Riddle slept inside the Capitol over the weekend, activists protested outside.

"The question keeps coming up, who is going to pay for the deportation? Who is going to pay for all these costs that are coming up?" says Marcelo Tofoya from LULAC.

The League of United Latin American Citizens opposes the laws, and believes it will create anger and resentment in Texas communities.

Matt Simpson, policy strategist for the ACLU, says he believes the laws will end up in a courthouse fight.

"Well I think it could very well be left up to a bunch of lawyers, but on top of that its a costly fight, its a fight that Arizona is paying quite a bit for," says Simpson.

Texas is one of several states considering immigration laws akin to Arizona's.

http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/na ... -11-9-2010