For all those who seem to content to let Mexico steal our way of life as they flood our nation with illegal workers, you had BEST WAKE UP TO REALITY. I know those who are members here already know this, but this article could be very useful in waking others up.

The leading contender to become Mexico's next president wants to build a BULLET TRAIN from Mexico City to the Southern Border of the United States, and is calling on America to grant Amnesty for those 15-20 million illegal aliens already here.

Also, just another thing to consider...seems that remittances sent back to all the various country around the world from the United States is over 80 BILLION a year. For every dollar you put into the economy, you create five dollars, for every dollar out, you lose five dollars. In short, a 10-1 loss equation on those remittances means America is losing over 800 Billion a year just on the remiittance end of this illegal flood of humanity.

Pinto Bean
PS...have highlighted in bold the Bullet Train and Amnesty sections of the article.

Mexico's front-runner makes first appearance at border By Sandra Dibble
The San Diego Union Tribune, January 27, 2006 ... rador.html

Tijuana -- With the U.S. border fence just yards behind him, the leftist front-runner for Mexico's presidency yesterday said he favors a two-pronged migration accord that seeks both the creation of jobs in Mexico and the granting of legal status to undocumented Mexicans in the United States.

“Without economic growth and job creation in Mexico, we won't be able to confront the migratory phenomenon,â€