By Nicole Blake

Janell Vasquez may not see her husband, Sebastian, for the next nine years, but in the mean time, she is fighting to bring him home from Mexico.

Over the past year, she has compiled hundreds of documents concerning his legalization process, including messages she's sent to state senators, reference letters and papers from the National Visa Center.

Her nightmare began in January 2008 when the couple received a letter instructing them to go to the US Embassy in Mexico to obtain her husband's passport, visa and additional documentation.

Sebastian Vasquez hasn't been home since.

"My 2-year-old son needs him," said the Orlando woman.

Families that have been torn apart by the nation's immigration system shared their stories with thousands who gathered at an Orlando church on Saturday for one of many town hall meetings across the country.

More than 1,500 people from around the state joined US congressmen and church leaders as part of a 20-city tour to document the urgency for immigration reform. US Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill addressed the crowd of mostly hispanic families and encouraged them to let their voices be heard.

"All he [President Barack Obama] has to do is call his secretary of Homeland Security and say, for humanitarian purpose, until the Congress of the United States acts" those who were deported can "go home to their husbands and their wives," Gutierrez said. "It's as simple as that."

Robert Cote from Tavares is fighting a legal battle over whether his wife will stay in the US or be deported. She was detained by police in February while serving as an interpreter during a domestic abuse call.

"With a lot of immigrants, they might be able to intimidate them and hold them down," Cote said. They're not going to hold me down. She is married to someone that's not going to be quiet."

Future town hall meetings are scheduled in Detroit, Philadelphia and San Jose, Calif.

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