'Is It Time to Use Force at America's Borders?'
By Guest Author: Paul Speaker (06/10/07)

The invasion of America by illegal aliens is the most divisive, gut-wrenching domestic problem that America has faced in decades.

Illegal immigration impacts homeland security, American sovereignty, language and culture, economic and social stability, education, and social security and is a major source of bitter bipartisan divides in congress, and between congress and the president.

The dispute is ripping our nation apart like no other in recent memory.

Our nation spends hundreds of billions of U.S. treasure each year to support people who have no business being here. The security and safety of the public is jeopardized by the massive influx of illiterate peasants.

By refusing to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws, congress and all presidents starting with Ronald Reagan, and including George W. Bush, have allowed this monster to grow and grow, until it is completely out of control.

The illegal alien monster has finally reached the point where the American people will simply not tolerate anymore nonsense. Which is why the amnesty garbage in congress was rammed back down the throats of Bush and his misguided friends last week.

Some politicians like George W. Bush, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham still do not get it--or, if they do, they continue to refuse to abide by the will of the people.

It is very nearly at the point where a political solution is no longer possible. In fact, it seems that the only long-term solution may be a military one.

Have we reached the point where America needs a heavy contingent of armed U.S. government troops at the border to keep invaders from entering illegally?

One can hear the howls, already! How can any compassionate human being promote the use of armed force against invading peasants?

Ladies and gentlemen, America is dangerously close to sinking into an abyss of third-world misery akin to Mexico.

We are about to lose our culture, language, sovereignty, prosperity, national identity, and the rule of law.

We are about to lose America!

It is therefore incumbent on every American who considers himself or herself a "patriot" to recognize and accept this truth: America is under attack from Mexico.

In order to stop the flow of millions of third-world criminals into America and to pressure the 12-30 million already here to self-deport, America needs to get tough!

It may be necessary to use force in order for the message to get through. That may be the only thing that Mexico's corrupt government will pay attention to.

Such a plan would draw universal denunciations from the UN, most foreign nations, all religious leaders, and all bleeding hearts liberals in the U.S.

But it would force President Felipe Calderon and his Mexican minions to take a more responsible approach.

It would surely cause the Mexican government itself to at least try to prevent its citizens from invading America, rather than actively working to aid and abet the invaders.
Deciding to use force is always very difficult, and must be a last, extreme resort.

Moreover, illegal immigration is so devastatingly huge because of incompetence by our government and corruption and incompetence in Mexico. That makes the use of armed force all the more regrettable and shameful.

Nonetheless, it may be necessary to use force against a small number of invaders in order to save 300 million Americans.

Paul Speaker

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