Two addresses for some reason (care to speculate?)

Brewster's Turf & Tree Management LLC‎ - more info »
1042 Mulberry St, Loudon, TN - (865) 458-8887‎
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Brewster's Turf & Tree Management, LLC‎ - more info »
3827 W. Lee Highway, Loudon, TN - (865) 458-8887‎

If you look at the Google map, it would appear that Lee Highway is one of those roads which, while the same road, becomes known by another name at some point along the way.

We have a similar main road in Maricopa County.........Main Street turns into Apache Trail.....just to give you an example.

In this case, it appears that Lee Highway, turns into Mulberry. And, since this is a relatively large landscaping company, it may be that one address is a work yard and one an office. Or two seperate yards. It could be any number of things, none of them sinister or particularly unusual for that matter.

But, I have to concur with other members tempting as it may be to call these people and ask them what WE might think is a reasonable question.......we do have to be mindful of crossing the line where anything we do or say can be called harassment.

Just something for you to think about, that's all.