I just heard 790KABC here in Los Angeles and they are encouraging everybody to bug every single senator by writing emails, calling them, etc..
I just started and I am going to keep going until they listen to us. Be polite but also be straight forward.. This is my letter to Diane Feinstein:

Dear Senator,

I hope you do the right thing. Most of the American people don't support Illegal Immigration and don't support a so "called" Comprehension-Immigration-Path to Citizenship Bill which is amnesty... I came to this country legally and I am proud to be an American Citizen. It is not right to grant full rights to people that have broken the law and most importantly, don't have any desire to become americans. They just see this country as an ATM machine. The bill that you are trying pass it is just another failure and we will be losing our country.

If you want to go forward with this bill, that's fine.. But with all due respect Senator, I will make sure and I will do anything in my power to encourage family, friends and regular citizens not to give more money to your party and to vote for someone else in the next election.
I hope you do the right thing..
