Huckabee Campaigner and Minuteman threatening e-mail Scandal
January 03, 2008
The Huckabee campaign faces national scandal today, as recent e-mails sent by Minuteman Co-Founder and Huckabee campaign member Jim Gilchrist are released that threaten to malign another leader with false accusations of child molestation, pedophilia, embezzlement, and thievery!

The e-mail threat was received by Brook Young of the organization Immigration Watchdog, who is one of the 84 leaders who signed an open letter opposing the Gilchrist endorsement of Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.

Jim Gilchrist has endorsed Mike Huckabee and has been traveling on the Huckabee campaign media bus across Iowa making speeches of support at Huckabee's side, at campaign press conferences and events. Gilchrist has also been on numerous talk radio shows promoting the Huckabee campaign as a highly visible part of the campaign in the national media.

"It is completely outrageous that a person so highly involved with the Huckabee campaign is sending e-mails threatening to malign an opposing organization leader with false accusations of child molestation," says William Gheen of ALIPAC. "Huckabee and Gilchrist need to explain why a Presidential campaign is involved in these kinds of documented threats and vile mud slinging."

The e-mail from Gilchrist, which threatens to malign Brook Young is on full display at and

Mr. Gilchrist also sent out an "article" or press release to the Minuteman Project national e-mail list last night that contains many supposed quotes by Mike Huckabee that appear to answer all criticisms of the Huckabee immigration plan and record. The author is listed as "Perry Emerson, for Jim Gilchrist" yet initial research can find no proof that a Perry Emerson works for Jim Gilchrist or the Minuteman Project. The name only shows up on articles released by Minuteman Project, which contain topics that are attacks on others.

Google searches on the alleged quotes by Mike Huckabee, such as "I would make it my first act as president to pardon agents Ramos and Compean" show no results other than the Gilchrist release. The Huckabee campaign can provide no written evidence that Huckabee made these comments.

Copy of Gilchrist Release

"Official campaign statements on important matters like immigration should be made directly by the campaign and not by proxy," says William Gheen. "We will continue to look for evidence that Perry Emerson actually exists. If Mr. Gilchrist is putting out official statements under a false name and citing statements Huckabee did not make, then 'Houston we have a problem.'"

ALIPAC is calling on the Huckabee campaign to officially confirm or deny the authenticity of the claims made in the Minuteman Project release and to clarify if Mr. Gilchrist is acting on behalf of the Huckabee campaign in his threats to spread false rumors of a graphic nature about organizations that oppose the Presidential campaign of Mike Huckabee.

William Gheen has notified ALIPAC activists and allied leaders about this situation through a letter titled, "The Madness of Jim Gilchrist" which is also found at

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