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Sensenbrenner CPAC Speech

Washington, DC, Mar 2 - Congressman Sensenbrenner delivered the following speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday, March 2, 2007, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC:

"What have conservatives done for you lately? Let’s bring out the score card and give it an honest assessment.

Conservatives were able to protect our citizens from terrorism while preserving civil rights.

Conservatives continued to protect the unborn.

Conservatives halted amnesty for illegal aliens.

Conservatives lead the way in securing our Nation’s borders.

Conservatives stopped the U.S. from signing onto the Kyoto global warming protocol.

Conservatives are alive and well and our ideas are far from dead!

Greetings from the poster child for immigration reform! I appreciate the opportunity to be here today to talk to conservatives and offer my perspective on matters of great importance to the future of our country. As I look out over this crowd, I am reminded of other kinds of crowds that greeted me this past summer in places like El Paso, Texas where I presided over House Judiciary Committee field hearings on immigration reform. Those crowds held signs with love notes such as, “F _ _ _ (blank, blank, blank) Sensenbrenner”, and I am fairly certain the “F” was not intended as the initial of my first name! So, suffice to say, I am pleased to be here in front of you in a friendly environment.

The fact that I wrote the bill to fix a broken immigration system last year made me the target of the illegal alien rallies around this country demanding amnesty. I was vilified by the left and my face became the second most recognizable American politician in Mexico, behind President Bush. There were loud marches and cries about injustice. But, I held tight and won. And I will strenuously oppose any attempt by Democrats, or even by my fellow-Republicans, to pass amnesty legislation this year.

Our current immigration chaos is a result of bad decisions by Congress in 1986 by passing the Immigration Reform Control Act. This offer of amnesty failed miserably. Congress in 1986 should not have ignored the recommendations made by the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy, headed by Father Theodore Hesburgh, the former President of Notre Dame University (and no conservative). The Commission found that immigration reform is not possible without enforcement first; and I quote Father Hesburgh, “Without more effective enforcement than the U.S. has had in the past, legalization could serve as a stimulus to further illegal entry.” We now know how true this prophecy was.

In my quest to provide real immigration reform, I was determined not to repeat the same mistakes of the crafters of the 1986 bill. In so doing, I became the target of the liberals…I also became Lou Dobbs’ sidekick on CNN! Some are fond of saying I failed to bring forth a comprehensive immigration package. But, I think my efforts brought this issue to the forefront and thus began a national dialogue. What many overlook, but what I am most proud of, is what we were able to accomplish through the Secure Fence Act and the continued efforts to secure our borders. In fact, while the rallies certainly polarized Americans, they also further exposed the issue and fueled conservatives to voice support for safe borders and opposition to amnesty. So, in many ways, this is an issue over which conservatives can do a victory lap, yet knowing there is a longer race ahead.

Unfortunately, time ran out. Congress could not agree on immigration reform prior to Election Day 2006.

That night, November 7, 2006, unfortunately, exceeded all of our expectations. We Republicans expected to take a hit that night, but the hit was even deeper and sharper than anticipated. Gathered around televisions -- in family rooms -- in small neighborhood bars -- and in hotel banquet rooms with political party faithfuls -- the sting was felt, heads were shaking, fingers were pointing. Republicans fidgeted as the results appeared across the screens; while Democrats felt the elation of winning the battle of vindication.

Instantaneously, the question “why?” was answered with, “the war”. The unpopular war had slaughtered Republicans while the liberal, anti-war rhetoric blazed across the country. Residents in my own Congressional District in Wisconsin had unanswered questions about the war and their confidence was rattled. I listened over and over again to their frustration in my townhall meetings, and there were no reassuring answers from the President prior to the election. However, I am of the opinion that it was not, and is not, all about the war. It’s about more than Iraq and our war on terrorism. As conservatives, it’s about our identity.

Just like our schools maybe should get back to the three R’s, Republicans must return to the basics of conservatism to again be the more popular party in America. Since our Party was formed in the small town of Ripon, Wisconsin, we have represented strong conservative values. However, while I must sound like an old guy, which I am, the Republicans of present are not the Republicans this country has known and loved over the course of history. In 2006, Republicans simply forgot about being the Party of fiscal restraint and didn’t remember what brought them to power. Republicans forgot to say government is too big and too intrusive. Many of my fellow-Republicans got a little taste of pork and couldn’t help themselves as they participated in the spending frenzy. I watched as earmarks and pork barrel projects were approved, but I did not watch in silence. I was lonesome and unpopular with the local media when I voted with only ten others against Hurricane Katrina emergency funding and against the Highway Bill with only seven colleagues – both packages laced with fraud and fat. I waved my hands wildly in protest as my fellow-Republicans signed off on projects such as the “bridge to nowhere”. Whatever happened to living within our means? Republicans forgot to be conservatives.

Polls I conducted indeed indicated that folks were mad about the war; but a closer look revealed that people were also disgusted with government spending. In my District, those identifying themselves as Democrats increased slightly from past years; however, more notably, those calling themselves Republicans declined and they moved into the Independent column in search of a new identity. Independent voters in districts like mine went from 2-1 Republican in 2004 to 2-1 Democrat in 2006. So really, the red flags were firmly in place prior to Election Night.

Republican leadership did not help the cause. Leadership became part of the problem, not the solution. We were plagued with allegations of leadership corruption as our leaders stopped listening and became much more interested in receiving support for their own power rather than worrying about the money that was flying out of the pockets of taxpayers. As Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, I remained steadfast in my efforts to produce legislative initiatives to further values-based conservative principles. I am proud of my work to help protect the safety of Americans through the re-authorization of the PATRIOT Act, Violence Against Women Act, Child Safety Act and REAL ID. In addition, we were able to re-authorize the Voting Rights Act, and accomplish Class Action Reform and Bankruptcy Reform. I believe these are good, conservative ideas that made their way to the President’s desk and are now signed into law. Good for us. Good for all Americans.

In the new 110th Congress, we must go full speed ahead on issues we know to be true to the conservative cause. For instance, I imagine many of you saw Al Gore’s infomercial on global warming this past week, disguised as the Academy Awards show! It is our job as conservatives to respond … respond to the fear-mongering about global warming and communicate the truth. When I was Chair of the House Science Committee, then Speaker Gingrich appointed me as the Chairman of the official delegation to the Kyoto meetings. I concluded that the global warming scare is based on faulty science. We must determine what the cost will be to the U.S. economy if we follow our liberal friends on the global warming bandwagon. The current protocol is riddled with inconsistencies that will result in the U.S. losing jobs. In the 1980s, scientists sounded a warning that we would be covered in glaciers soon. So, is it possible that sometimes scientific predictions are dead wrong? Conservatives must stop whispering about global warming and start combating the bad information. We should ask for better science and longer term data and be thoughtful, not knee-jerk, in our decision-making. And, maybe we should allow the one and only (from above) – to be in charge of our destiny.

In this new Congress, the Democrats will lead, but Republicans must speak up and remind the American public of the differences between the parties and philosophies. I believe if we get back to basics, there is a real opportunity to demonstrate once again why Republicans are the ones with the better ideas. We are the party of lower taxes, smaller government, and conservative values. I will continue to speak up proudly and remind one and all of who we are and what we stand for. Let’s not forget what makes us right and strong. Let’s not forget that being Republican means being conservative.

So, what have conservatives done for you lately? A great deal! As you can see, conservative ideas are not dead. This new Congress provides a ripe opportunity for conservatives to actively participate, sharing conservative ideas and protecting conservative ideals. "

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