
Immigrant Mothers, Children Make Statement With Apple Pies

NASHVILLE, Tenn.- A group of immigrant mothers and children delivered apple pies and a bouquet of flags to Sen. Lamar Alexander's Nashville office Thursday morning.

The Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition decided to do this to encourage Alexander to vote in favor of coming up with a workable solution for immigration reform.

"We want to show him we support the American dream and that we're as American as anyone else," said

After visiting Alexander's office, several participants called Alexander's office in Washington, D.C. to make their opinion known.

On Thursday, the Senate was scheduled to vote on cloture, which was rejected on a 46-53 vote. Cloture is a procedure in which "the Senate can vote to place a time limit on consideration of a bill or other matter," according to the U.S. Senate Web site.

The Senate's refusal to allow a final vote on immigration reform handed President Bush a major defeat.

Supporters have fallen 14 votes short in the Senate of the 60 they needed to clear the way for final passage of a bill that would have legalized millions of immigrants and toughened border security.

Critics have blasted the plan, saying it offered amnesty to undocumented immigrants.


This group, the TIRRC (Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition) was in the halls of the TN State Capital everyday to see to it that nothing would be passed to protect Americans and Tennesseans from the continuing invasion by illegal aliens. This group is associated with another group in Cleveland, Tennessee, the Ocoee Regional Multicultural Services, which news articles says helps illegal aliens.

These are the groups getting the media coverage. We need to use every able means to get our voices out, the voices of the American people.

Psalm 139:14