Sending a message Buy American; don’t use illegal immigrants
By: Donna Ryder Messenger Associate Editor
Posted: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 9:02 pm
Messenger Associate Editor

Buy American and don’t use illegal immigrants. That’s the message the Woodland Mills mayor and board of aldermen are sending to prospective contractors bidding to build or repair homes through a Community Development Block Grant in their community.
The board approved a resolution Monday night to show support for the program through which the funding is being provided and in which the stipulations have been made.
Bob Thornton of Nelson & Thornton Consultants in Jackson, the company administering the CDBG for Woodland Mills, brought the resolution before the board. He said the requirements are part of the program, but it helps when the city passes the resolution agreeing to the terms.
According to the resolution, “Congress approved and President Obama signed into law a taxpayer-sponsored recovery package that will provide funding to help economically devastated cities and states immediately provide jobs to millions of out-of-work Americans through considerable infrastructure rebuilding, green energy projects and other projects that will require manufactured components.â€