By Brenda Walker


"Fake Trucks Used to Smuggle Drugs, Money and Illegal Aliens Across the Border."

"This is a bit long ya might want to grab a coffee and a smoke :~

MEXICHURIAN PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH is determined to cement the North American Union as much as possible during his term. Incredibly, he aims at a European Union-type political merger between the U.S., Mexico and Canada, including replacing the dollar with a Euro-style currency called the Amero and rearranging trade patterns to favor Mexico. Central to the deal is the uncontrolled movement of people throughout North America.

This EU mega-state concept has actually been losing support among average folk in Europe. For example, the Dutch and French voted down the EU Constitution in 2005. Doesn’t matter to globalist elites, though. They push forward with expanding bureaucracy slanted toward one-worldish interests in the corporate style.

This is not a joke. The “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North Americaâ€