Trent Hills - Mayor's views on CAFTA
by Brian Schuette
Council members were asked at this week's meeting what their current views are on Canadian Advocates for Tax Awareness (CAFTA). Mayor Macmillan took on the question.
"Speaking for myself," he said, "I'm concerned with the display that we saw here last week. That's not the CAFTA that this council endorsed." He said he had concerns where the group was heading and hoped that they hadn't lost their focus by attacking the wrong target, namely MPAC. He feels they should be trying to send a message to the province, who controls the taxation system and pays MPAC to administer it. "It's the system that CAFTA is opposing. I don't disagree with them on that issue, but I think the message needs to be sent to Queen's Park, not to Pickering where MPAC's head office is." He said that he was under the firm belief that there are flaws in the way MPAC are doing their job.
As for CAFTA's rally in Campbellford against Current Value Assessment, Macmillan said he didn't see eye to eye with them. He said he had spoken to CAFTA founder, Paul Hazell, and advised him to do what the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and the Lanark Landowners Association had done. Organize a massive protest and park it on the front lawn of the Ontario
Legislature. "I would gladly join them there," he said