True immigration reform

S1348, aka S1639, was soundly defeated, as Americans protested and their senators listened. For this bill would have granted instant legalization, within 24 hours, to all the millions here in this country illegally.

Self-interest groups such as La Raza and a coalition of American churches have battered Congress relentlessly to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill that would legalize all (amnesty) and grant family reunification (chain migration), but for all their wealth and power, they cannot defeat the will of the American people, who have voting power over their elected officials.

Therefore, deceit is in order.

Cardinal Roger Mahoney reminded a La Raza convention that, "We must not use the "A" word, amnesty, lest they discover the power of what we are about!"

The rhetoric used by La Raza is absolutely not logical.

The group states they are against amnesty and believe American law should be enforced.

They also state that everyone who crosses the border should be given a path to citizenship; they advocate and aid those who are here illegally as they make no distinction between legal or illegal immigrants.

They instruct the undocumented on how to evade immigration officials.

They protest against any immigration enforcement of federal, state and local immigration laws.

They defeated Proposition 187 in California. This proposition would have denied welfare benefits to illegal aliens.

H.R. 1999, if passed by Congress, will grant millions to La Raza's housing development fund annually; this will fund housing for immigrants regardless of their legal status.

Mexico granted dual citizenship in 1998; President Fox stated that this will ensure that those granted legalization in America will vote in U.S. elections for the "betterment of Mexico."

Theodore Roosevelt called dual citizenship a "self-evident absurdity."

Because of America's zero percent border security and non-enforcement of immigration laws, millions have suffered.

Children of illegal immigrants testified on Capitol Hill, tearfully describing their fears of their parents being deported in ICE raids. Today, illegal immigrants were allowed to tearfully testify on Capitol Hill.

The voices of American citizens/families who have been torn apart by illegal immigration have not yet been heard.

Few have heard the tragic story of 15 year-old Joey Stanford of Grand Island, Neb.

When an illegal alien stole the family shovel, Joey followed to retrieve this; the alien repeatedly stabbed Joey, who managed to bicycle one block, collapsing in his mother's arms; he died later at a Lincoln hospital.

Forty-six thousand Americans have been killed by illegal aliens since 9-11.
These illegals have NO interest in America or its patriotism -- They are loyal ONLY to Mexico.

True reform lies in Mexico City, not Washington, D.C.

If millions of illegal immigrants will go back home and march for their rights in their own homelands, helped by American church groups and multimillion-dollar funded advocacy groups, they can and will overcome.

This is truly justice for all, and the only family reunification necessary.

Americans must remember that this country has the most generous legal immigration quota in the world.

But this country cannot sustain the massive, unrelenting illegal invasion without self-destruction very quickly.

Americans, you must write/email/talk and DEMAND to meet with your elected officials about your concerns on illegal immigration.

They do listen!

