What’s it going to take until dorks like McCain get it? Maybe if it was one of his girls he would change his illegal loving ways!

http://michellemalkin.com/2008/01/14/tw ... t-suspect/

Twice-deported illegal alien-Arizona serial rapist suspect
By Michelle Malkin • January 14, 2008 09:08 AM

1batiz.jpg Just think: If John McCain had his way, this animal might have received amnesty. Remember: Despite all the slick assurances from shamnesty advocates, their plan’s criminal background checks were a joke.

All of the illegal alien suspect’s victims were young girls between the ages of 12 and 15. He started his raping spree last June–targeting young girls living in single-parent homes after watching the victims and casing their homes before the attacks. Maybe some newspaper editorial board will make him “Arizonan of the Year.â€