Dear Friend,

Thanks to YOU I have two great developments to report!

The House leadership has agreed to extend E-Verify for FIVE years-with absolutely no strings attached. This is a huge victory! If you remember the Democrats were pressured by big business and the La Raza crowd to kill e-verify outright. So we asked you to begin calling your Congressman. Then we were told they would extend it to two years. Not good enough so we kept up the calls. And yesterday we got word we won-and America won---they agreed to five years!

Your calls did the job-you let them know how important it was TO YOU, THE VOTER-that this incredibly critical enforcement tool stay in place!

Now our fight must focus on the Senate. There the re-authorization is being blocked by NJ. Senator Robert Menendez. He has put a hold on the bill unless it is tied to an increase of 500,000 worker and family visas-as if a million a year isn't enough!

This is an outrage! We cannot let Menendez or any of the other open borders politicians make us choose between enforcing our laws and flooding our country with more foreign workers. Call up Senator Menendez' office at at (202)224-4744 and demand that he let the Senate vote on E-Verify without any strings attached. You can also call your Senator and tell them to oppose Menendez's scheme.

[To contact your Senator, call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or toll free at 1 (866) 220-0044 and ask for your senator. You can also go to ... rs_cfm.cfm for a listing of their direct lines.]

Our second great victory took place in Oklahoma. Yesterday Team America candidate Randy Terrill solidly defeated his corporate sponsored opponent Curtis Bruehl in a landslide. Terrill was challenged because he was the author of bill 1804 which is one of the toughest state laws to combat illegal immigration.

The Oklahoma News credited "last minute gifts"-most of which came from Team America-for giving Randy an edge. Congratulations again!

Always humble, Randy made it clear that the importance of this race is not just about himself, but "a vindication for the ordinary, working people over the Oklahoma City oligarchy." He said the "race had nothing to do with my opponent. It was about my attempt to crack down on illegal immigration and making English the official language."

But a key to Randy's immigration bill's enormous success was to require all public employees to be screened by E-Verify. His hard work, and the work of other patriots in states like Arizona, Georgia, and South Carolina will be lost if we don't stop Menendez and his cronies, so let it at them! I promise to keep you informed on all developments on this front!

Thanks again for being a part of the Team.

Your friend,

Bay Buchanan
Team America PAC