You can thank all of the former and present Mayors including White for the Sanctuary City Policy and maybe he can extend to a Sanctuary State Policy; Drugs furnished by the ILLEGALS, Drug Wars by the ILLEGALS, United States Citizens murdered by the ILLEGALS but not to worry the Sanctuary City of Houston Texas will continue to furnish Cheap ILLEGAL Labor for the Elitist Political Contributors and Special Interest Groups of course they feel safe in their Gated Communities. If you venture out and you are murdered by an ILLEGAL Drunk Driver or you are a Police Officer murdered by an ILLEGAL during the commission of a crime or a traffic stop or a United States Citizen is in the "wrong" place (Sanctuary City of Houston) and caught in the cross fire just remember Our Elitist Politicians and their Elitist Political Contributors consider these murdered as a SMALL SACRIFICE for THEIR CHEAP LABOR!

Jury to hear last words of officer killed in shootout
By BRIAN ROGERS Copyright 2010 Houston Chronicle
May 18, 2010, 11:59AM
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Houston Police Department AP
This undated photo released by the Houston Police Department via the Houston Chronicle shows undercover Houston police officer Henry Canales.

Prosecutors plan to play jurors an audio tape of the last words of an undercover Houston police officer killed during a 2009 sting operation that ended in gunfire.

Jurors this morning were told they would hear 13 minutes of audio of the sting operation and shootout, taped from the wristwatch microphone worn by a undercover Houston police officer Henry Canales, who was fatally wounded last June.

“You're going to hear his last words,â€