$37 Million Given In Welfare To Illegal Aliens In LA County In November 2007 Alone
By Digger

I have heard the argument before "illegal aliens don't receive welfare". It's usually used by some illegal alien supporter who knows absolutely nothing about the subject. Now the Department of Public Social Services in LA County has released its numbers for November and it shows that illegal aliens received $37 million in taxpayer funded welfare and foodstamp benefits in the month of November 2007 alone.

This has long been going on and getting even worse with racist people like Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in charge of cities like Los Angeles.

The sad thing is that this is going on all across the United States and most taxpayers aren't aware of it. The silent invasion occurred when they weren't looking. They hear of their county cutting services that they use, but don't realize that the benefits being given to illegal aliens in their communities just continue to grow and spending on them increases. It is a shifting of money from the legal citizen and resident to the illegal invader.

And it will continue until you stand up and say enough is enough!

[quote]New statistics from the Department of Public Social Services reveal that illegal aliens and their families in Los Angeles County collected over $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2007 – up $3 million dollars from September, announced Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich.

Twenty five percent of the all welfare and food stamps benefits is going directly to the children of illegal aliens. Illegals collected over $20 million in welfare assistance for November 2007 and over $16 million in monthly food stamp allocations for a projected annual cost of $444 million.

“This new information shows an alarming increase in the devastating impact Illegal immigration continues to have on Los Angeles County taxpayers,â€