Alien Invasion: BP Eradicate Carrizo Cane
Border patrol move forward with plans to rid non-native invasive plant
By Ray Gomez

Story Updated: Aug 1, 2008

The U.S. Border Patrol in Laredo is leading the way in trying to eradicate the Carrizo Cane along the Texas-Mexico Border.

It's all in an effort to improve visibility for agents to prevent drug smugglers and immigrants from hiding among the dense Carrizo, but destroying it may be a tedious task.

According to Border Patrol Chief Carlos X. Carrillo there are many benefits to getting rid of the invasive plant. He states, "[It] improves the quality of life for community residents that live along the river, and it will also save water." A small patch of Carrizo uses as much water as five families.

Environmentalists say they are in accordance with the Border Patrol's decision to eradicate the Carrizo. They caution some of the harsh methods the Border Patrol may use from mechanical methods that may cause erosion to aerial spray of herbicides, which may kill other native plants.

Border Patrol Chief Carrillo said he is aware of environmental concerns that's the reason why they have invested in studies that will be the most cost effective and least intrusive.