Richardson: Immigration reform has better chance passing in new Congress

Mary Jo Pitzl -
Nov. 13, 2010 12:43 PM
The Arizona Republic

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson on Saturday said the new Congress has a better chance at enacting comprehensive immigration reform than the current Democrat-controlled Congress.

"I do believe the chances are improved, (but) not dramatically improved," Richardson told journalists attending CapitolBeat, a meeting for political and statehouse reporters from across the nation held in downtown Phoenix.

That's because Republicans will need something to show for their gains in the midterm elections, he said. The GOP won control of the House and narrowed its disadvantage with Democrats in the Senate.

"It's going to have to not be the 'Party of No,' " he said of the Republicans, adding that immigration reform is ripe for a bipartisan accord.

Richardson, a Democrat, is wrapping his second term as New Mexico's governor.

But while he sounded hopeful that the long-stalled issue might get moving, Richardson said in comments after his speech that he doesn't see anyone stepping forward yet to lead the charge.

Leadership, he said, has to come from the president but also from the Republicans.

"It's a dynamic that has to happen," he said.

He said relations with neighboring Arizona have remained good even as the state's political leadership has shifted from Democrat Janet Napolitano, with whom he worked closely on many issues, to Republican Jan Brewer.

"There's been a bit of a rift over the immigration issue," he said. But cooperation on environmental and other issues has continued.

Richardson reiterated his opposition to Senate Bill 1070, the immigration-enforcement measure, telling reporters it is a federal duty to enforce immigration laws.

And, noting the growing influence of Hispanics in this month's elections - notably in the Nevada Senate race and the New Mexico governor's race - Richardson, himself Hispanic, said politicians need to recognize they have concerns beyond immigration or civil rights.

"It's very easy to put Hispanics in a corner (and say) 'Let's put a sombrero on and get their votes.' Those days are over," he said. This growing voter bloc has very mainstream concerns, which currently revolve around job creation and improving the economy, he said. ... z15CdlaCjz