Congresswoman: Give Illegals Health Care

Updated: Tuesday, 29 Sep 2009, 5:55 PM CDT
Published : Tuesday, 29 Sep 2009, 4:48 PM CDT


HOUSTON - Houston-area republicans are actually thanking democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee today.

They say her recent health care plan will likely kill what they call Obama-Care.

Lee and 21 other House democrats have sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. They want illegal immigrants to be allowed to pay into and participate in any approved national health care plan.

"We want everybody in the pool to pay for others -to pay for the seniors -to pay for ones with catastrophic illnesses," Lee says.

But Patrick says that strategy doesn't add up when you crunch the numbers.

"The premium that one person pays does not pay for all the medical care and many people who are here illegally have large families with them." Patrick says.

He says Americans are already skeptical of health care reform. He says by adding this component it would essentially kill reform.