Aliens, sometimes illegal, sometimes legal, get these federal loans.
We, heartland Americans are discriminated against and OUR TAX DOLLARS GO TO THESE invaders and they use OUR MONEY to compete against us.
Our own government is our worst enemy.

The Farmers Home Administration loaned them $200,000 to buy 20 acres of Golden and Red Delicious apples, including a three-bedroom farmhouse and an old warehouse. The property owner, Nolan Carlson, agreed to carry a $100,000 contract for another 10 acres of apples and pears. Covarrubias correctly figured the 5 acres of pears would help carry him through a few tough years of low apple returns.

The paperwork involved in securing a government loan was difficult, he said. The Covarrubiases were the first Hispanics in the state to take advantage of the minority farm loan program, according to the Farmers Home Administration.