How can they get away with writing this tripe?


"Justice denied in Postville, Iowa, immigrant raid"

Pray that you never need an advocate as much as those caught up in the Agriprocessors immigration raid in Postville, Iowa.
A lot of people are feeling soiled by the raid, which officials at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) initially bragged was the largest such operation in immigration history. Nearly 400 people were scooped up and shuffled in shackles to a fairground designed to hold cattle.

Now, three months after the raid at the kosher meatpacking plant, more details are emerging — and attorneys, clergy, members of Congress and labor officials are decrying a major miscarriage of justice.

Translators and even local townspeople say they were duped into participating in a federal government plan to railroad exploited workers. And labor investigators complain that ICE overran an ongoing investigation into horrible working conditions in the Agriprocessors plant.

And for what? So that ICE could make its numbers look good. So that it could claim it had deported more “criminals.â€