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People worried about immigration doing more than talking

06:51 PM CST on Monday, November 13, 2006

By Nancy Holland / 11 News

Some local people worried about illegal immigration and drugs coming across the Texas border are doing more than talk about their complaints.

They are behind an effort to take to the air and patrol four remote counties in far West Texas.

Some people are hoping this will become something of an unofficial Texas Air Force.


People with concerns about immigration are taking to the air.
“It’s got the glass doors, glass windows in the back,” said Woody Lesikar, airport manager, Westside Airport.

Just after Thanksgiving a group of sheriffs along the Texas border will get the keys. The plane will patrol four counties.

Paid for by $100,000 in privately raised money, it will have a very public purpose.

“Usually they’ll fly at or below 500 foot above the ground,” Lesikar.

Lesikar flew us along the Brazos, showing us what a pilot and deputy sheriff will be able to do.

“You can really tell if somebody is fixing to cross the border,” said Lesikar.

They fly low and slow looking for people crossing illegally, as well as people hauling drugs.

“By giving them this asset they think they can catch more drugs and if they only increase their catch maybe five per cent more of what’s coming through, the assets they would seize, cars trucks whatever, would be sold at auction that would pay for this plane,” radio talk show host Edd Hendee.

Because private money is behind this, the people who had the idea say the federal government can’t direct it or cut funding.

We talked with both the DEA and the Border Patrol today and while they were quick to point out they have no official connection to this, neither do they have any objections.

If this gift to local sheriffs works, the people who have raised the money plan on four more planes for the borde