Perry, Dewhurst take turns wooing GOP crowd
By KELLEY SHANNON / Associated Press

Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, both potentially running for governor in 2010, took turns wooing conservatives at the opening of the state Republican convention Thursday.

Agreeing on many issues, though differing in style, they talked up the need for border security funding and a spending cap tied to state growth. Both championed Texas' constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and the state's restrictions on abortion. They pledged to enact a voter identification law and cut taxes.

"Like you, I'm a conservative because I wanted my children to grow up in a place that respects life, that defends their children," Perry said. He finished up his speech with the flamboyant punctuation of a brass band and drums.

Dewhurst was more straight-laced, though he took a jab at Perry's much-maligned Trans-Texas Corridor.

"And the Trans-Texas Corridor?" Dewhurst said, as many in the crowd booed the project. "Folks, you can't build toll roads in rural Texas. It doesn't work. For heaven's sake, don't mess with Texas' private property rights."

Someone in the back of the convention hall let out a loud squeal of approval.

Perry and Dewhurst are looking for a strong legislative session in 2009 that would favorably set up their political runs. Also in the possible field are U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and state Sen. Dan Patrick of Houston, a former radio talk-show host.

Hutchison speaks to the convention Friday.

Patrick got a standing ovation from some of his Houston-area supporters when he was introduced with other Republican state senators Thursday.

Before his speech, Perry posed for pictures and signed copies of his book about the conservative values of the Boy Scouts.

Perry said the Legislature must give surplus state budget money back to taxpayers through more property tax relief, a reduction in the business tax, a cut in the sales tax or a direct rebate.

Both men said they want to pass a voter identification bill similar to legislation that failed in 2007. It would require ID besides a voter registration card when casting a ballot. Republicans say such legislation is needed to prevent voter impersonation and voting by illegal immigrants.

Democrats are vehemently opposed
and say it would discriminate against the elderly, minorities and women, many of whom may not have photo identification or, in the case of women, identification with their last name matching the voter rolls.

Numerous speakers Thursday bashed presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, although Republican Railroad Commission Chairman Michael Williams first offered some praise.

"What Senator Obama has done is extraordinary. His nomination speaks well, not only of his own personal political skills, but of the America that exists today," Williams said, to polite applause. Then he went on to say, "Change is just a slogan when the ideas are the Democrat leftovers of the last 50 years."

Meanwhile, state party chairwoman Tina Benkiser fought to keep her post against a challenge by supporters of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who was officially ending his presidential campaign Thursday and moving toward supporting Libertarian-leaning candidates across the country.

Paul supporters, some of them wearing "Ron Paul Revolution" T-shirts, provided most of the fire at an otherwise predictable opening day of the convention.

Some shouted out at Benkiser as she tried to preside over routine convention business late in the day, and she cautioned the crowd to follow parliamentary rules. Paul supporter Paul Perry of Ellis County is challenging Benkiser. Voting is later in the convention.

Paul supporters are attempting to get to the national Republican convention, even if they are bound under state party rules to presumptive presidential nominee John McCain. Paul didn't win any delegates in Texas' system, which is largely a winner-take-all process.

Convention attendance was down to about 12,300 total delegates and alternates. The number of delegates is based on GOP voter turnout in the last gubernatorial election, when Perry drew only 39 percent of the vote in 2006. That year, the convention had 16,500 delegates. ... PVRO0.html