Crisis plan responds to raid
October 18, 2007


CRISIS PLAN RESPONDS TO RAID - Nonprofit Chelsea Collaborative will unveil a humanitarian crisis plan Monday at Bunker Hill Community College's Chelsea campus, 175 Hawthorne St. City Council president Roseann Bongiovanni, also associate executive director of the nonprofit, said the plan is a response to the immigration raid by federal agents in a New Bedford leather-goods factory in March that led to the arrest of 361 undocumented immigrant workers, many of them women who were separated from their young children. Should such an event happen in Chelsea, Bongiovanni said, a response team of lawyers, financial management, shelters, donations and communications will be in place. The City Council recently declared Chelsea a Sanctuary City, a symbolic gesture welcoming immigrant and refugee residents regardless of their legal status.-

Katheleen Conti ... ?page=full