Is Sheriff Arpaio leading Arizona in the right direction?
Reported by: staff
Last Update: 1/30 9:26 pm

(15) Comments

PHOENIX -- The nation faces tough questions in tough times, and there are people on both sides of every issue.

Arizona is no different. But who’s saying what about the issues important to Arizonans? has launched a weekly segment called "Hear Me Out," and each Sunday we're debuting an Arizona issue - along with two opposing sides on the topic.

Don’t worry, you always have the opportunity to make comments at the bottom of the page. Yeah, your opinion matters too.

This week we're tackling the debate over Sheriff Joe Arpaio's impact on Arizona.

A recently released poll shows the Sheriff's approval rating has dropped 15 percent since a similar study in July 2008.

Some say Arpaio's tough tactics and abuse of power are doing more harm then good in our state.

Others argue Arpaio is simply doing what he was elected to do and is saving Arizonans lots of money in the process.
Alessandra Soler Meetze
By Alessandra Soler Meetze
Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Arizona

Brutal tactics and attention-grabbing headlines have given Sheriff Joe Arpaio – the self-proclaimed “toughestâ€