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UN condemns civil groups antimigrantes
02/12/2005 11:23 Antiguedad: 10 days

Category: Inmigracion

The General Assembly of United Nations approved for consensus a resolution prompted by Mexico, that asks to their 191 states member the respect and the protection of the rights of the migrant, besides condemning to the civil groups that control the borders.

It presented by Mexico and copatrocinada by other 46 countries, the most important points of this resolution present two problems directly related to the Mexican migration.

On the one hand, urges all the states to employ public officials authorized and qualified to apply their laws of immigration and frontier controls, and to that adopt effective measures for impede that private or groups violate the laws in matter of frontier security.

In clearly reference to groups as the Minuteman that watch the border between United States and Mexico, the resolution asks to the governments that impede that those civil groups "take actions reserved to public officials".

The ambassador of Mexico before the UN, Enrique Berruga Filloy, expressed its "great satisfaction" by the content of the resolution that protects to the migrant, and emphasized the call "to that only the personnel authorized be responsible for the control of the borders".

"The resolution asks to the member states that act to avoid that these individuals take the law by their hand, besides pursue them for manage to put brake to this phenomenon."

A phenomenon that only is not given in the border between Mexico and United States, but in other parts of the world as the flow of migrant of Asia Smaller toward Europe or among some countries of Central America.