Immigration is truly the last area we want Teddy dabbling in. This is a qoute he made involving the Immigration Act of 1965. He is speaking to the naysayers. This comes from Pat Buchanan's State of Emergency.

"[O]ur cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same...Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset...Contrary to the charges of some quarters, S. 500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any other country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia..."

That was 1965. A report from Dean Steven Gillon from Oklahoma University in 2006 showed the fruits of Kennedy's arrogance, ignorance, and lack of common sense.

"The U.S. added at least 40 million immigrants after 1965. Before 1965, 95% of the new immigrants had come from Europe. After 1965, 95% came from the Third World. The 1965 act has transformed American society and had consequences exactly the opposite of what we were promised."

Is Ted Kennedy the guy any true, proud American wants making immigration policy? Then again, he's not making the policy for the true American. He is making it to accomodate big business and foreign fatcats. Shame on McCain for making the final betrayal of America by joining with Kennedy, and shame on Massachusetts for continually re-electing this anti-American sham of a politician![/b]