U.S., Colombia Reach Free-Trade Agreement

http://www.industryweek.com/ReadArticle ... leID=11530

By John S. McClenahen

Excerpts :

Feb. 27, 2006 -- Following nearly two years of discussions, Colombia and the United States have reached agreement on a free-trade pact. The agreement is one of three the U.S. has been pursuing with the Andean nations of Colombia, Peru and Ecuador since May 2004. Negotiations with Peru were concluded in December 2005; negotiations with Ecuador continue.

Last year, trade between Colombia and the U.S. totaled $14.3 billion. U.S. exports of goods to Colombia were $5.4 billion, led by machinery, organic chemicals and plastics.

Congress must approve the agreement with Colombia before the pact can be implemented.

End of Excerpts

Dangers of an Act of Imprudence

I will try to explain why this is so dangerous for all the parties involved.

Many American Friends can help me to explain the Perils and Dangers.

This is an act of madness and Economic Irrationality !

Everybody will be a loser.

You don't make friends with pacts that are economically unsound, juridically absurd, and that lead to many military and political difficulties.

This will be a nightmare for American Foreign Policy.

Friendship can be better constructed in other ways.

For my land Colombia this treaty is absolutely absurd !

Vicente Duque