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Washington.- Activists await the presentation of a Senate bipartisan immigration reform proposal, following the arrival this week of an initiative to the House to legalize 12 million illegal immigrants.

The director of the organization America's Voice, Frank Sharry, said in teleconference that the Immigration subcommittee chairman of the Senate, Democrat Charles Schumer and his Republican colleague Lindsey Graham, could present a bill "perhaps the last week of January."

The debate on a bill "may well occur in March 2010, just months before the November elections in which they will renovate the third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives, he said.

He noted that a health reform that analyzes the Congress must be approved later this year or early 2010 in order to create a "space and political capital" to push a change in the laws of the dysfunctional immigration system.

"There is room in the schedule, there is time. Many people say that in an election year it can not be done", but there's a window of possibilities "for the middle of next year, possibly in June or July, to bring about immigration reform", he said.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano recently called for the undocumented to be brought"out of the shadows", which was also supported by the secretaries of Commerce, Gary Locke, and Labor, Hilda Solis.

For his part, Democrat Luis Gutierrez introduced this week the proposed Comprehensive Immigration Reform for Security and Prosperity Partnership (ASAP CIR), with the support of more than 90 members of the blocs Asian, Hispanic, African-Americans and progressive of the House .

Sharry acknowledged, however, that the high unemployment rate of over 10 percent in the U.S., "the context makes it more difficult" but insisted that they should offer a solution to the undocumented.

Union vice-president of Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Eliseo Medina, said it is important to have 60 votes in the Senate, a total of 100, to defeat conservative Republicans filibuster opposed to immigration reform.

He said that any bill should include the legalization of 12 million illegal immigrants and the process to allow future immigrants arrive legally in the country, "not of the desert" or by other methods, and promote family reunification.

The director of Coalition for Human Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), Angelica Salas, noted that the immigrant rights movement have joined over 600 organizations, there have been hundreds of events and have registered thousands of people from different ways.

He said many are using the mobile network via a text message with the word "justice" to number 69866 to get the latest news and activities activists distributed through the organization "Immigration Reform for America