Doctor sentenced for changing fingerprints of illegal aliens
He was caught on video explaining how he would removed a portion of the fingertip and then stitch back the tip to create a different print.

Source: (AHN) Reporter: Kris Alingod
Location: Boston, MA, United States Published: February 11, 2011 06:59 am EST

A Dominican doctor was sentenced on Thursday in Boston for helping illegal immigrants change their fingerprints to evade the law.

Jose Elias Zaiter-Pou, 62, was sentenced to a year and a day, and deportation to the Dominican Republican after prison. He pleaded guilty the same day to conspiring to surgically alter the fingerprints of aliens in exchange for payment.

Prosecutors said Zaiter-Pou met with a government informant at a hotel in Woburn. He brought surgical equipment, antibiotics and pain medicines, and agreed to change the informant's fingerprints for $4,500.

Zaiter-Pou was caught on video explaining how he would removed a portion of the fingertip and then stitch back the tip to create a different print.

Two associates of the doctor, Luz Martinez-LeBron and Ricky Baez-Cruz, were previously charged.

Martinez-LeBron pleaded guilty in October to conspiring to shield illegal immigrants from detection and was sentenced to six months.

Baez-Cruz has been charged with one count of conspiring to shield aliens from detection and one count of illegal re-entry after deportation. His case is still pending.