U.S. Under Siege by Illegals
Monday, October 15, 2007 9:05 AM
By: James H. Walsh

"Judicis est jus dicere, non dare."
(It is the duty of the judge to declare the law, not make it.)
— Latin Proverb

The U.S. Constitution identifies immigration as a federal responsibility.

Today as illegal immigration lays siege to the nation, U.S. citizens are poorly served by the executive branch (the president and federal agencies), the legislative branch (the Democrat-controlled Congress), and now by the judicial branch (with injunctions against enforcement of U.S. immigration law, such as that recently issued by Charles Breyer, U.S. district judge, northern district of California).

The Bush administration for the six years since the 9/11 attack has chosen not to vigorously enforce immigration laws. The Democrat-controlled Congress, beholden to immigration special interest groups, does nothing to prod the administration into action to protect the United States from as many as 38 million illegal aliens and their families.

Illegal aliens are obtaining stolen social security cards and fraudulent driver’s licenses to establish their bona fides to be in the United States. It is common knowledge, except to some federal judges, that counterfeit Social Security cards and other U.S. identification materials are for sale from Algiers to Kiev to Tijuana at whatever cost the traffic will bear — and these documents are first-class works.

To produce a Social Security number, a counterfeiter need only pick at random nine numbers — lazy counterfeiters use the same number many times. Illegal aliens who can not afford the counterfeiter’s fee steal purses or wallets to obtain a number.

When U.S. citizens rose up against the proposed “comprehensive immigration reformâ€