Quote Originally Posted by dman1200
Quote Originally Posted by Neese
We fought a war in Iraq so they can have freedom and democracy
No, I believe it was because they refused to let inspectors in.
dman1200[quote:3piv5hnm]Who knows. Bush changes his reasoning for going into Iraq like every day. First it was because of WMD's, when that was proven to be false, then he makes claims that Iraq was tied to Al Qaeda and 9/11, when that was proven to be false he goes on about how Saddam was trying to get yellow cake uranium from Iraq, when that was proven to be false then he goes on about how it was all about getting rid of Saddam so Iraq and have freedom and democracy, then he blabbed about how going into Iraq was all about fighting the terrorists.
It is a shame that Bush was pulling at straws once things started going bad. He would have been much better sticking to the facts. They refused inspectors...end of story. Bush's mistake was to defend his position by pointing out the benefits, like democracy etc...the far left and the media took his words and used it against him. Although I don't care for George Bush myself, I can see how things keep getting turned around.

Personally I think Bush had his heart set on going into Iraq when he ran for the presidency the first time. I think he wanted to go in there to avenege what Saddam did to his dad and so he can appease Haliburton and control Iraq's oil. The guy tried to immediately tie 9/11 to Saddam without any proof. It's like he was hellbent on invading that country from the go. He thought that he could just take out Saddam and all the Iraqi's would greet us as liberators and everything was going to be peaches and cream. I don't think Bush and his cronies have one clue how the average middle eastern or Iraqi thinks.
I still don't understand how the US can argue about oil. As far as I can tell, few people want to drill here and we are huge consumers of oil. If it is all about the oil, I could care less. Besides, the US was already involved with Kuwait.

As far as this inspectors thing. I say so what. Saddam had an agreement with the UN, not us solely. If Saddam didn't want to allow inspectors in his country and the UN as a whole didn't want to invade then that's there business. Who are we to go in their on our own when he wasn't a threat to our country? Let the UN deal with it and if they do the wrong thing then it's on them, not us.
What? You can't be serious. We are financing the UN. Without us, they would not exist. Personally, I think we should dump them all because they are corrupt and useless. Until some other countries step up to the plate and do as much as we do, I think that we have all the say in the world. No one complains when they are getting a handout.

Saddam was not a threat whatsoever. He had a ragtag army which we went through like swiss cheese and the whole country barely had enough resources to feed themselves, yet through all those sanctions and constant monitoring he was going to be able to produce nukes and all that? Come on. Saddam wouldn't be dumb enough to try it because he knew that his whole country would be turned into a glass parking lot if he did. He may have been crazy, but he aint stupid. I think Saddam was once formidable back in 91, but after what we did to him and through sanctions, I think that alone really devastated that country.
Saddam was a freaking idiot. If he did not have WMD he should have let the inspectors in. How can you say that a man that brought on his own demise was not an idiot(?) You have completely lost me. I wish that his country was a glass parking lot. Too bad that did not work out.

Bottom line is we were lied to, to get us into this war and things are so screwed up over there, now Bush will do the only thing he knows how and that's to let them all come over here and raid us dry. Iraq is in complete shambles and this is Bush's next great plan?
Where do you think we get our intelligence from, Mary Poppins? Our intelligence comes from slimey evil men who are willing to sell themselves out for cash and benefits. Unfortunately, when you play with the bad boys, you are going to get burned and that is exactly what happened. We got bad intelligence, Saddam refused inspections for something like a year, and the rest is history. Stop turning the story to suit your agenda.

Wake me up when this country gets it's backbone and common sense [back.

Indeed... that is something that we are lacking right now.