By Zeezil
Special Guest Contributor to Think Immigration

Fences work, they just have to be engineered and properly constructed. Consider the 14-mile double-layer fence between San Diego, Calif. and Tijuana, Mexico. Its benefits in stopping illegal entry into the United States were immediate and long lasting. Prior to the fence, illegals poured through this area of the border. In one 24-hour period, the border patrol reported apprehending 2,000 illegal aliens. According to a 2005 Congressional Research Service report, after the fence was constructed, illegal alien apprehensions in the region dropped from 202,000 in 1992 to 9,000 in 2004; a reduction greater than 95%. Additionally, there was a 53% drop in San Diego’s crime rate, as reported by Congressman Duncan Hunter. The open borders lobby ignores these facts when they say fences will not work.

So, fences will not work? Let us take a tour around the world and see if anything else with fences is going on.

North Korea/South Korea: Called “the scariest place on earthâ€