Mr. Melhman,

I, a Republican, resent Bush going to India and telling them, "The USA will not give into the protectionists and lose these opportunities." WHAT OPPORTUNITIES? Mangoes..I don't even eat them and won't start now. Or will you force them down our throats too?

He has no right speaking for Americans, when he hasn't asked us how we feel. When he won't listen when we want our borders closed and no guest worker visa's till he proves he can get the borders under control.

$22 Billion will be made this year in India...from American outsourced jobs. When American's lose jobs, one goes through more than just a financial problem, there's depression, sadness, worry, anxiety and anger; and when one is in their 50's the pain is greater. Where do you expect them to work? Maybe a Wal-Mart greeter, selling Chinese products?

It is not up to the American worker to have to lose their jobs, to have their wages depressed, just because the U.N., our government and the G8 want to uplift foreigners. IT IS UP TO THE FOREIGN LEADERS! They alone, must be the one's to take care of their people and creat jobs. MY GOD, we send billions to them each and every year and they still can't take care of their people....SO QUIT FORCING US TO DO IT.

Our government is supposed to be of the people and by the people, but my own party has turned their backs on us. You are turning many workers to a life of low wages, or no wages. WHAT FOREIGN COUNTRY WILL HELP US?

I will be a two issue voter from now on. Based on immigration and this globalization our elite love so much!

Truly disgusted, I am,