... 094/NEWS01

09/3/06 - Posted from the Daily Record newsroom

An unwise ordinance
Newton won't solve immigration problem

The emotional war over illegal immigration is getting closer to home: Officials in Newton in Sussex County are talking about an ordinance fining businesses and landlords who hire or rent to illegal residents. There is also talk of making English the town's "official" language.

The Pennsylvania town of Hazleton already has adopted such an ordinance, and we have no doubt such a law may appeal to some in Dover and Morristown. Such laws are good politics, because they cater to public fears. But it's a lousy way to govern. The ordinance in Hazleton already has generated lawsuits.

It's easy to understand why. Town governments are not empowered to enforce federal immigration law. It is simply beyond their purview.

At best, these ordinances seem designed to show a public concerned about immigration that local government is trying to do "something."

At worst, these ordinances cater to racist elements who see every Hispanic as an unwanted "invader." Either way, they have little practical effect, other than to invite litigation and drive up a town's legal bills.

Newton officials would be wise not to adopt the ordinance in question.

The larger issue here, of course, is that local governing bodies are getting involved in this issue because of the failure of Congress to act. Immigration reform bills have been passed by the House and Senate, but both bodies have shamefully put off reconciling what are two very different bills. That's something for voters to ask congressional candidates about in this election year.