Update: What happened to the La Raza/The Race earmark?
By Michelle Malkin • May 9, 2008 01:04 PM

Here’s an update on the La Raza/The Race $25 million earmark that had been tucked into Barney Frank’s massive housing bailout bill. (Previous coverage here and here.)

It was stripped out of the final version of the bill that passed the House yesterday. But that doesn’t mean they won’t get their money:

The original bill directed $100 million to four community groups, including $25 million each for housing programs run by the National Council of La Raza and the Urban League. Republicans balked, saying the money was meant to help Democrats in an election year.

The language was stripped out before the bill came to the floor. But La Raza, the Urban League and scores of community organizations are still in line for housing-development money, plus $230 million for the remainder of this year and another $230 million for fiscal 2009 for mortgage counseling.

“It’s a political-ally slush fund,â€