Upholding the constitution by actually protecting our border

The Frito Bandito- Illegal Immigrant?

By Dave Macy
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sad, but the Frito Bandito was killed by Political Correctness some 45 years ago! Can you believe it? Now, nearly a half a century later if you try to sneak someone’s chips you risk being labeled a Frito bandito! Great advertising icons never really die—they still live in our hearts and are filed away in the minutia compartments of our brains.

So what does this have to do with Arizona? You’ve already seen the battle lines drawn by Mr. Obama in courting the minority coalition of voters –most who are sucking on the teat of government one way or another. Now the state of Arizona is simply doing what the feds have failed to do in upholding the constitution by actually protecting our border. God forbid we actually call the people sneaking into America by ILLEGAL means “Illegalâ€